This should be fitting as one reads many of the headlines these days. The Independent reported that the case involved a British Columbia man, identified as “DLW,” who was convicted of 13 counts of sexually assaulting his stepdaughters, but was acquitted of bestiality — because he “only” forced dogs into oral sex, without penetration being involved. The man “smeared peanut butter on the genitals of his victims and had the family dog lick it off while he videotaped the act.”
As a result of this story, the case for allowing bestiality came up and instead of doing what is right Canada’s Supreme Court instead legalized having sex between people and animals as long as “no penetration is involved”.
Out of the 8 judges only one had sanity. Justice Rosalie Abella, the lone dissenter in the 7-1 ruling, said that penetration should not be considered essential when defining bestiality.
“Acts with animals that have a sexual purpose are inherently exploitative whether or not penetration occurs,” Abella said.
The west is becoming sicker and sicker. The Canadian legislature process recently made international news after the Liberal Party, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, introduced a new bill seeking to establish two year prison terms for people found guilty of transgender discrimination.
“There remains much to be done, though. Far too many people still face harassment, discrimination, and violence for being who they are. This is unacceptable,” Trudeau said at the time, noting that the bill would expand existing “hate speech” prohibitions to include any public speech or communication that “promotes hatred” on the basis of “gender identity” or “gender expression,” which is aimed at defending transgender people.
So next time Canada is hit with calamities do not get angry when I do not care. What an evil wicked generation full of the devil and on the road to hell. READ ALSO: THE BEST ONLINE JOB - SERIOUS PEOPLE ONLY
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